About Us

American Institution of Technical (AIT) is an international quality assurance agency, working to improve quality assurance standards of organizations all over the world. With its global network of experts, AIT grants accreditation to educational institutions, corporations, professionals and qualified individuals.

Regional accreditation bodies have dutifully evaluated education providers on a regional scale and granted them Primary Accreditation. However, the rapid growth of globalization calls for a global entity which can evaluate them against internationally proven standards of education and grant them an internationally recognized Secondary Accreditation. AIT provides international accreditation to the education providers to serve as secondary accreditation, enhance the entity's regional accreditation and assures stakeholders that the educational program, policies and procedures of the institute, university and school are up to the international standards of quality. AIT's International Accreditation represents an education provider's commitment to delivering quality which is on a par with the global standards. It assures the stakeholders that their degrees& credits will have increased acceptability around the world, should they decide to study or work abroad.